Navigating A Call About A Job

Navigating a call 2“Sorry to bother you but can I just take a minute of your time”

Applying online is one thing but your phone call to a potential client or Recruiter will make or break your chances of securing your dream job.

Treat the call like a potential interview, be prepared and don’t stumble through it or you could jeopardise your chances of moving to the next stage.

Here are our top 3 tips to help settle the nerves

1. Don’t Rush Your Application

Check and recheck your cover letter and resume before submitting it online. Choose a format that will make it stand out and ensure that your key skill are featured at first glance.

2. Keep Your Phone Handy

You may get a call from an agency or the client so get rid of your “Call me” voicemail and make sure that your sound friendly and professional on the message just incase you miss the initial call. Don’t answer unless you are in a quiet place where you can give the caller your full attention. Remember first impressions count!

3. Control The Nerves

Try to stay relaxed on the call and view it as a casual chat. Be confident and use the opportunity to showcase your personality. Try to stick to the question being asked. Dragging your response out including every task that you have ever completed will only make the caller lose interest quickly so keep it short and sweet. If you impress over the phone you will most likely be asked in for an interview so control those nerves and back yourself.